Travel Tips: Five Steps to Properly Anchor a Fishing Boat
Step 1
Make your approach to your proposed anchoring location into the predominant element. If the wind is overtaking the sea, head into the wind. If the sea—waves or current—is overtaking the wind, head into the sea.
Step 2
Reduce your speed to bare steerageway: you should approach your anchorage at the slowest speed at which you can maintain headway and control the boat. Clear away the anchor, making sure that neither the anchor nor the anchor line is tangled, or wrapped around anyone's leg or arm or a seat.
Step 3
When your bow reaches the point where you wish to drop anchor, reverse the engine until your forward motion stops. Lower the anchor over the bow of the boat—do not drop it.
Step 4
When the anchor touches bottom, allow five to seven times the depth of the water (based on the depth reading from your fish finder or fathometer; this is called the "scope" of your anchor) to pay out over the bow. Tie the anchor line off to a cleat or other fixture on the bow.
Step 5
Reverse the motor to pull on the anchor, both to test it and to set the anchor in the bottom. If the anchor drags (slips without holding), raise and reset the anchor.
Travel Tips: Five Steps to Properly Anchor a Fishing Boat
posted by Fisherman Edd @ time 9:06 AM 0 Comments