How To Choose The Best Bass Fishing Boat And Lures
by Carol Stack
Bass Fishing Boats and Lures
Bass fishing is extremely popular, and for good reason. Bass are a combination of intelligence and figh. They require the fisherman (or woman) to use cunning and skill before ending up in a frying pan.
To make the most of your bass fishing experience there are some things that will greatly help, such as a good rod and reel, a good boat and good lures. Here we are going to talk about a bass fishing boat and the right lures.
Some of the best boats include those made by the Ranger, Triton, and Skeeter. You can find any of these boats by searching online.
The boats made by each of these companies includes everything the experienced fisherman desires. Made by fishermen for fishermen, the bass boats produced by Ranger, Triton and Skeeter are top of the line.
But it takes more than a great boat to catch bass. Having the right lures can help. If you have already investigated bass fishing lures you will probably have found that there are an enormous number of different types.
There are many different bass fishing lures available but the most popular are the following four:
Crank Baits - These are used as either top water or sinking lures. Their main purpose is to look like an injured or weak fish. They get their name from the cranking noise which is designed to attract bass. Since these lures are supposed to imitate weak or injured fish, if you use them be sure to reel them slowly so their cover isn't blown.
Poppers - These are similar to crank baits except that poppers are exclusively top water lures. Another difference is that instead of making a cranking noise they make a popping sound as they move across the water.
Poppers are designed to be used during hot summer months when the bass are attracted to the top water by the stimulation provided by the poppers. Just like crank baits, poppers should be reeled in slowly.
Spinner Baits - These are strange looking lures. The strange appearance is caused by an oversized metal spinning attachment connected to them. The purpose of the spinner bait is to attract a fish through antagonism as opposed to hunger. They can be used all year with good results, but are especially useful during the spawning season when the bass tend to lose their appetite.
Rubber Worms - This lure should be very popular for those people who do not like dealing with live, wriggling worms. Since rubber worms do just as well as real worms, why bother with the mess of using real worms? The rubber version utilizes a lead head to add weight for casting. Usually the bass will go after the rubber worm as it descends to the lake bottom. If the worm hits the bottom of the lake, reel it in towards the surface and let it drop all over again..
Again, as already stated there are many more bass fishing lures available than the four described here. So when shopping for bass fishing lures keep this in mind: These four are the most popular because they work.
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How To Choose The Best Bass Fishing Boat And Lures
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